Sunrise For Your Retirement

We Can Help You Plan For Retirement

Safety First Money Group can help you create a strategy to help protect your assets. As part of our commitment to our clients, we try our best to make these strategies simple and easy to understand.
woman with her arms around her husband while he drinks coffee and reads a book how to plan for retirement columbus oh
What We Believe

Our 3 Core Principles

We have 3 main principles, that guide us when helping clients plan for retirement:

Safety First

We put keeping your principal amount safe before anything else. Safety First Money Group offers strategies involving products that don't put your money at risk*. Unlike during your working days, recouping the loss of your money in retirement may not be possible.

Reasonable Rate of Return**

We aim to provide you with a reasonable rate of return**, after keeping your principal safe. When planning for retirement, you should find a strategy that allows for a reasonable rate of return** in order to not find yourself running out of money during your retirement.

Keep it Simple

You may struggle to plan for retirement, as the process of coming up with a strategy is complicated. But it doesn't have to be. Your retirement strategy should be simple, and easy for you to understand. A more complicated strategy is not necessarily a better strategy. We aim to minimize your confusion and create a strategy you're confident in.

man watching sunrise columbus oh
The Key to a

Successful Retirement

The money you’ve accumulated over the years should be kept safe. We can help you reach your financial goals and needs. Schedule a no-obligation meeting with us to discuss your retirement strategy.

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